GDPR DPO University
Event summary
The EU General Data Protection Regulation has required many organizations to appoint Data Protection Officers. With demand for DPOs far outstripping the supply, many newly minted DPOs need to quickly develop data protection expertise and pragmatically apply it to help their organizations comply with the GDPR.
Cooley’s cyber/data/privacy practice’s GDPR DPO University will help newly minted DPOs get their data protection footing and develop an understanding of how to address their responsibilities in a business environment that requires DPOs to balance legitimate business interests with individuals’ privacy rights.
The DPO University workshop will address:
First Session: 8:30 – 9:15 am
- Beginner: Data protection & GDPR basics, understanding business impact
- Advanced: GDPR and global privacy landscape, understanding business impact
Networking Break: 9:15 – 9:30 am
Second Session: 9:30 – 10:15 am
- Understanding DPO responsibilities
- Balancing business interests and privacy rights and choices
Third Session: 10:15 – 11:00 am
- Data Privacy Impact Assessments
- DPO reporting to management and the Board
Cécile Abramowicz – Deputy General Counsel and DPO, Via Transportation, Inc.,
Ann Bevitt – Partner, Cooley London
Orrie Dinstein – Global Chief Privacy Officer, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc.
Dave Navetta – Partner, Cooley Colorado
For more information please email Jana Laster or call +1 858 550 6269.
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