Africa Blue Economy Forum 2019
Event summary
Africa Blue Economy Forum is about bold new thinking to accelerate Africa’s structural transformation and create jobs for a young population on the rise. The first Africa Blue Economy Forum was hosted in London on June 8, 2018 to raise awareness on the unique potential of the oceans to accelerate Africa’s sustainable development. Based on last year’s recommendations which were compiled in the ABEF2018 Report, Blue Jay Communication is organizing the second edition of the Africa Blue Economy Forum (ABEF).
Once again, government and business leaders, international investors, ocean innovators and civil society from across the globe will get together to recognize the importance of the Blue Economy in advancing Africa’s development agenda.
Discussions will focus on opportunities and innovations in emerging and frontier sectors of the Blue Economy and how they can help accelerate Africa’s transformation.
Panel topics will include
- Public-private partnerships
- Fishing & aquaculture
- Ports & trade
- Ocean energy
- Governance & security
- Women empowerment
- Youth education
- Ocean financing
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