Life Science Washington Venture Investment Partnering Forum with Baxter Healthcare
Event summary
Cooley is pleased to sponsor the Life Science Washington Venture Investment Partnering Forum with Baxter. Baxter partners with companies with innovative technologies, products and therapies that accelerate growth and advance patient care. Baxter is looking to meet with companies and researchers working in acute therapies, advanced surgery, pharmaceuticals, medication delivery, nutrition, pre-treatment and post-treatment, as well as renal care to discuss potential collaborations, partnerships, investment, licensing opportunities and M&A. Executives from Baxter will be in Seattle on August 21 – 22 for a plenary and networking reception and 1:1 meetings with local companies, entrepreneurs and research groups.
For more information, please email Amanda Richardson.
August 21 – Agora Conference Center
August 22 – Cooley's Seattle Office
Event details and registration
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