2020 BFC Global Healthcare Business Development and Investment Conference
Event summary
For the third year in a row, Cooley will sponsor the annual BFC Global Healthcare BD & Investment Conference.
The conference will highlight key trends in the following areas:
- Biotech capital market trends in both US and Asia
- Licensing trend in 2019 among Asian and US biopharma companies
- Leading biotech company roadshow presentations
Senior executives from more than 500 public & private healthcare companies across the biopharmaceuticals, IVD, medical device and healthcare services sectors attended this event in 2018. More than 300 PE and VC investors from over 100 firms also attended the 2018 conference.
The conference will provide an optimal environment for networking with senior executives of your potential partners. Company management teams and investors will also have the opportunity to participate in one-on-one and small group meetings through BFC Group.
Cooley partners Christina Zhang, Jonie Kondracki, Lila Hope and Micahel Yu will be speaking on various panels.
Event details and registration
For more information, please email Sandra Sun.
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