2020 Forum on M&A and Governance
Event summary
The Berkeley Center for Law and Business and Freshfields US LLP invite you to attend the Spring M&A and Governance Forum. The program will explore the new economy and its implications on the year ahead, along with regulatory deal risk and process innovations in M&A, capital raising – including direct listings and the future of IPOs – data security and privacy. The event will bring together US and EU regulators and speakers from Salesforce, WeWork, The Wall Street Journal and other leading tech and financial services companies. The program will also include one-on-one interviews with the Honorable Kathaleen McCormick, Vice-Chancellor of the Delaware Court of Chancery and Alex Stamos, former Facebook CSO and adjunct professor at Stanford University’s Center for International Security and Cooperation.
The conference is essential programming for financial and legal advisors and corporates who must successfully navigate the ever-changing regulatory and deal-making landscape.
For more information please email Sheila Monette or call +1 858 550 6428.
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