Emerging Trends and Developments in Antitrust Merger Enforcement: What Lies Ahead
Event summary
Cooley lawyer Sharon Connaughton will present a Knowledge Group webcast on February 20 on antitrust merger enforcement and what lies ahead.
Challenges to mergers and acquisitions by US antitrust authorities spiked in 2019, with much attention paid to “nascent” competitive problems and vertical mergers. This was capped off by proposed Department of Justice (DOJ) and Federal Trade Commission (FTC) vertical merger guidelines, the first such guidelines issued since 1984. In addition, the DOJ has continued to express concern about merger remedies, leading to the DOJ’s attempt to stop the AT&T-Time Warner combination. The concern about remedies played another role in the court room, as one court engaged in an unprecedented expanded Tunney Act review of a merger consent order offered by the DOJ.
Topics include
- Antitrust Mergers: U.S. Trends and Updates
- Recent Enforcement Priorities
- Notable Cases and Rulings
- Risk Mitigation Strategies
- Best Compliance Practices
- What Lies Ahead
Event details and registration
For more information, please email Rebecca Lanz.
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