14th Annual Turnaround Awards Gala
Event summary
The 14th Annual M&A Advisor Turnaround Awards is the benchmark for restructuring excellence and will recognize the leading distressed M&A transactions, restructuring, refinancing, products and services, firms and professionals in the United States and international markets.
This year Cooley will be receiving awards for:
- Materials Deal of the Year for the sale of Republic Metal Corporation to Asahi Holdings Inc.
- SEC. 363 Sale of the Year in the $50 million+ category for Sizmek Technologies (and certain foreign subsidiaries) sale of AdServer assets to Amazon.com Inc.
- Chapter 11 Reorganization of the Year in the $1 billion to $10 billion category for the reorganization of Claire's Stores Inc.
- Restructuring Community Impact Award in the $10 million to $1 billion category for the sale of Empyrean Towers to RCD.
Event details and registration
For more information, please email Laura Miller.
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