
WEBCAST UK Government Announces the Future Fund for UK Startups

April 22, 2020
Event details
April 22, 2020
11:00 am – 12:00 pm Eastern Standard Time

Event summary

The UK Government recently announced the Future Fund, a new package that will provide financing to UK startups in the form of a convertible loan which will be matched by private investors. Cooley is part of a select group of law firms making up a task force to assist the government on the Future Fund scheme.

We are delighted to host a webcast providing an overview of announced aspects of the scheme, talking through its key terms as published today on the HM Treasury website, as well as try to answer some of the common questions companies and investors might have on the scheme as it currently stands. Attendees are encouraged to submit questions for our speakers

For more information or to request the webcast recording, please email Jennie McCluskey or call +44 20 7556 4458.

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