
WEBINAR Schrems II – What Happens Next for EU-US Data Transfers?

November 17, 2020
Event details
November 17, 2020
11:00 am – 12:00 pm Eastern Standard Time

Event summary

4:00 – 5:00 pm GMT
8:00 – 9:00 am PST

Cooley’s international cyber/data/privacy team invites you to join us to discuss the implications of Schrems II judgment on EU-US data transfers.  

As you may know, the European Union’s highest court recently invalidated the EU-US Privacy Shield framework and added additional requirements for using standard contractual clauses as a data transfer mechanism. While we await further clarity from the EU courts and regulators, companies are exposed to heavy GDPR fines for carrying out potentially unlawful data transfers.

To help tackle this uncertainty, our leading team can offer practical advice on how to help companies that are sending personal data outside the EU with their compliance efforts. In this regard we will introduce you to Cooley’s newly devised data transfer assessment methodology called COOLEY TRANSFER, which establishes a holistic, consistent and documented approach on how to determine whether a data transfer can take place.

Join us for an update on the law and its implications, along with an exploration of the opportunities this presents, the possible solutions to the arising issues and how our COOLEY TRANSFER methodology can help you validate data transfers.

Attendees can join with questions for our panellists, or submit questions here ahead of time.

Patrick Van Eecke – Partner, Cooley, Brussels
Ann Bevitt – Partner, Cooley, London
Adam Connolly – Partner, Cooley, San Francisco 

For more information, please email Isabel Breslin

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