
WEBINAR Virtual Fireside Chat with Former Acting Chair and Commissioner of the FCC, Mignon Clyburn

January 21, 2021
Event details
January 21, 2021
3:00 – 4:00 pm Eastern Standard Time

Event summary

Please join Cooley for a virtual fireside chat with The Honorable Mignon Clyburn, former Acting Chairwoman of the Federal Communications Commission and FCC Commissioner, to discuss the new administration and the outlook for communications and technology companies and investors. She will be joined by her friend and former colleague, former FCC Commissioner Robert McDowell, Cooley partner and co-leader of its global communications practice.

Clyburn served as a FCC Commissioner from 2009 to 2018 and served as Acting Chair through much of 2013, becoming the first woman to lead the agency. She was nominated by President Barack Obama in 2009 and 2013 and was unanimously confirmed by the Senate for both terms. While at the FCC, she championed the modernization of the agency’s Lifeline program, which assists low-income consumers with voice and broadband service; initiated Inmate Calling Services reforms; promoted broadband deployment and adoption; advocated for inclusion in STEM programs and much more.

Topics will include

  •  Regulatory and legislative agenda for the TMT sector for 2021 and beyond
  • Changes in the composition of the FCC and other agencies, and the future of critical issues such as net neutrality, federal privacy legislation, the future of broadband and 5G, TMT merger review and more

This event is by invitation only. For more information, please email Melissa Monnier.

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