
Celesq Webinar

Cyber Risks Are Evolving – And Impacting Your Cyber Insurance

June 9, 2021
Event details
June 9, 2021
12:00 – 1:00 pm Eastern Standard Time

Event summary

Cyber risks are exposures that are top-of-mind for many organizations, and rightfully so. As cyber risks continue to evolve, they stand to pose larger and more costly threats to victims. Advancements in technology, including reliance on artificial intelligence and biometric data, create broader cyber vulnerabilities, and recent systemic risk events demonstrate how cyberattacks are capable of threatening entire industries.

With these developments, the cyber insurance market is tightening considerably. Cyber insurers are taking more aggressive positions with their policyholders and offering narrower coverages as compared to years past. This program will discuss these recent trends and offer practical considerations for maximizing your cyber insurance options in an increasingly challenging market.

Details and registration 

For more information, please email Laura Miller


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