
Life Sciences in the Antitrust Hot Seat – Key Trends and Guidance for Navigating Increasingly Hostile Waters

September 16, 2021
Event details
September 16, 2021
1:00 – 2:00 pm Eastern Standard Time

Event summary

Conduct by life science companies has long been the subject of intense antitrust scrutiny, with focus in recent years on what some perceive to be high drug prices enabled by anticompetitive acquisitions, sometimes branded as “killer acquisitions” and conduct that prevents or delays generic entry. With the incoming Biden Administration, signs abound that this scrutiny is very likely to reach new levels in 2021 and beyond.

Cooley antitrust lawyers Jacqueline Grise, Tanisha James, Dee Bansal and David Burns will discuss the latest trends relating to antitrust enforcement in life sciences from federal and state enforcers to private plaintiffs and offer guidance for navigating these increasingly hostile waters.

For more information, please email Rebecca Lanz.



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