San Diego ACC MCLE La-LAW-Palooza
Event summary
Cooley is proud to sponsor ACC San Diego's all day MCLE La-LAW-Palooza. This all day event will give lawyers the opportunity to earn their MCLE education credits including ethics, competency and elimination of bias.
For more information, please email Chris Montgomery.
Featured agenda item
Information Retention Policies and E-Discovery – Best Practices and New Developments
1:30 pm – 2:30 pm PT
Cooley lawyers Erin Trenda, Ruth Hauswirth and Matt Krengel will speak on this panel.
This panel will address best practices and key issues in the areas of information retention and litigation readiness. In addition to covering general best practices for information retention governance, this panel will also discuss the critical importance of the employee on-boarding and off-boarding process for not only keeping a company’s confidential information internal, but also minimizing the risk of company data becoming co-mingled with outside information that may require costly remediation. It also will address some of the new issues arising with the increase in employee use of “chat” applications and other realities of remote work and how this will likely impact litigation holds and e-discovery moving forward.
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