Presented by the International Bar Association
Cross-border Technology M&A in an Unsettled World: Balancing Prospects with Barriers
Event summary
Covid-19 has accelerated the obliteration of traditional industry boundaries. Technology is in the forefront more than ever creating new M&A opportunities. Technological advances are continuing to change the way we live our lives and do business and industries such as healthtech, fintech and cleantech are now a part of our vocabulary.
This panel will discuss trends that define the global technology M&A landscape, while addressing the hindrances it will remain optimistic about the technology industry’s role in value-creating M&A for the rest of 2021. Covid-19 has allowed capital to be accumulated and the same needs to be spent. Digitisation and disruptions offer opportunities for technology adoption.
- Christine Graham – Special Counsel, Cooley
- Felix Engelhardt – Managing Director, Saxenhammer & Co. International
- Martin Viciano Gofferje – Partner, Gleiss Lutz
- Niko Härting – Partner, HÄRTING Rechtsanwälte
- Sajai Singh – J Sagar Associates, Bangalore, Karnataka, India; Chair, Technology Law Committee
- Volodymyr Yakubovskyy – Partner, Nobles
For more information, please email Rebecca Lanz.
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