Gaining Access to Company/Debtor Data in a Hybrid Post-COVID-19 Environment
Event summary
This panel will address the increased potential for fraud in a post-COVID-19 environment. Panelists will discuss how to identify and collect this dispersed data through the use of forensic technology and discovery/Rule 2004. This is not only a highly relevant topic for offshore and cross-border cases and communities, but will become increasingly important as fraud, and subsequently, litigation/investigations, increase.
You may attend the 2021 TMA Annual Conference in-person or virtually. To review TMA's COVID-19 guidelines, please review their onsite heath and safety policy.
Featured agenda item
Gaining Access to Company/Debtor Data in a Hybrid Post-COVID-19 Environment
Wednesday, October 27, 2021
4:15 – 5:30 pm CT
Cooley partner Cullen Drescher Speckhart is speaking at the Turnaround Management Association Annual Conference.
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