2022 M&A Conference at Wharton San Francisco
Event summary
This prestigious annual conference assembles corporate development leaders, in-house M&A counsel, board members, and private equity investors to discuss current challenges impacting complex transactions and learn about innovative methods to improve deal performance. The cross-disciplinary agenda draws on experienced M&A professionals from various industries and regions to share first-hand experiences, best practices, and recommendations for navigating deals through both internal and external challenges.
Featured Agenda Item
Negotiating Deals in a Volatile Market
Wednesday, March 23, 2022 | 11:00 am PT
Presented by Cooley partner Ben Beerle.
2021 was the biggest year in history for global M&A, with quarterly deal values topping $1T. Should dealmakers now adjust for slower timelines to close and place more emphasis on interim covenants? Do stock deals need more sophisticated exchange mechanisms? Are contingent consideration structures being used to address volatility and provide more robust downside protection? Are more collegial terms being agreed (walk rights, go shops, etc.)?
Event details and registration
For more information, please email Sean Hayes.
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