Observations from the Frontlines: Going Public
Event summary
Join Cooley partner Matt Dubofsky for a webinar hosted by PwC discussing 'going public' in a volatile market with geopolitical uncertainty and newly proposed regulatory requirements.
As some investors anticipate a slowdown in global GDP growth, dry powder remains at record levels leaving those considering a public offering questioning their timing and conditions for capital raising.
There are multiple paths to going public including the traditional IPO, a SPAC merger and a direct listing. If you are considering going public, how do you know which method is best and when the timing is right?
Join us for a 60-minute webcast where we will:
- Hear from companies and advisors who have recently completed IPOs, SPAC Mergers or direct listings amidst current market conditions
- Review the state of the market and the current landscape for capital raising
- Address the level of preparation necessary to both go public and be a public company
- Outline what your team can do to be prepared for when the time is right
Event details and registration
For more information, please email Kelsey O'Connell.
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