ACC NCR Out of the Quagmire: Updating Your Privacy and Security Program for 2023
Event summary
While many organizations may have a privacy and security program in place, a number of dynamics may cause those organizations to consider updates to their program (or cause organizations without a program to now put one in place). In this session, the speakers covered what privacy and security considerations are needed as we head into the new regulatory environment in 2023, including new state privacy laws going into effect in 2023. They then examined a few discrete issues including privacy by design, ransomware, information sharing (including with government actors), and use of bug bounty programs.
Cooley attorney Randy Sabett served as a panelist. Randy was joined by fellow panelists Jerry Howe, executive vice president & general counsel at Leidos, John Delmore, assistant general counsel, FBI National Security & Cyber Law Branch, Cyber Law Unit at the FBI, Jay Kramer, managing director, National Cyber-Forensics and Training Alliance (NCFTA) and Kaye Cyrus, corporate counsel at HealthEdge.
For more information, please email Marissa Pilconis.
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