In Person


May 1 – 3, 2023
The Ritz-Carlton, New Orleans
Event details
May 1 – 3, 2023
The Ritz-Carlton, New Orleans
921 Canal St.
New Orleans, LA

Event summary

The American Bankruptcy Institute (ABI), the Association of Insolvency & Restructuring Advisors and the ABI distinguished advisory board hosted VALCON 2023 at The Ritz-Carlton, New Orleans, located in the French Quarter.

Having taken place this year during the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival, VALCON 2023 is the place to connect with leaders in the distressed debt, restructuring and valuation industries. For dealmakers, fund investors, and financial and legal advisers, this is one conference not to be missed. Valuation professionals can expect advanced discussions and fresh perspectives on timely topics to help them navigate the shifting sands of valuation in bankruptcy today.

New this year: ABI’s Complex Financial Restructuring Program was renamed The Battle of the Plans and was held on Monday, May 1. Teams presented their best plans of reorganization and discussed top issues from a case study based on the Caesars bankruptcy case.


Featured agenda item

Tuesday, May 2, 2023 | 10:15 – 11:15 am

Plenary Session: Fraudulent Transfers/de-SPAC

Cullen Drescher Speckhart, partner at Cooley, spoke on this panel.

For more information, please email Marissa Pilconis.

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