GIR Live: Women in Investigations
London, UK
Event summary
Cooley is proud to sponsor GIR Live: Women in Investigations, an internationally renowned event supporting women’s triumphs and creating acknowledgement across the investigations space. This event brought together in-house counsel, private practitioners and regulators to discuss changes to the investigations landscape and development of skills integral to the industry.
Featured agenda item
2:15 – 3:00 pm
Rise of the Whistleblower
Cooley partner Shamis Beckley spoke on this panel.
The European Union Whistleblowing Directive is now in force and implemented in various countries. Companies have struggled to prepare and to secure clear guidance on what is required, often wondering how to reconcile requirements with existing enforcement expectations for effective compliance. Asia has environmental, social and governance regulatory requirements requiring a whistleblower program. In the US, the Securities and Exchange Commission has a different approach in offering awards for whistleblowing. This panel explored the following questions:
- How has UK practice been affected by the EU directive compared to the continent?
- How do different jurisdictional approaches to whistleblowing impact investigations?
- Have these developments resulted in an increase in whistleblowing?
- What are we seeing in how clients are responding?
- Are clients having to be more proactive?
- What challenges does this create?
For more information, please email Amanda Meier.
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