Biotech CEO Summit USA
Event summary
The Biotech CEO Summit is unlike most meetings CEOs attend. It is not an investor conference, nor is it a business development conference. Rather, the summit’s focus is on CEOs – and the challenges they face leading their companies. The program is modeled after a think tank-style meeting, with discussions led by subject matter experts with input from CEOs. Participating CEOs benefit from the wisdom and experiences shared by other contributing CEOs, as well as the other discussants.
The summit operates under the Chatham House Rule to encourage open and frank conversations. The number of participants is limited to allow full engagement. Registration is not open; one must be invited to join this event. The summit is closed to the media, and the sessions are not recorded in order to provide an extra layer of privacy.
Featured agenda items
Tuesday, July 18, 2023 | 10:15 am PDT
Creative Financing in Challenging Times: The Tools, Options, and Novel Approaches
Cooley partner Carlos Ramirez led a discussion among conference attendees regarding financing options in a down market.
Wednesday, July 19, 2023 | 1:00 pm PDT
The Purposeful CEO – Fulfilling the Promise
Cooley partner Lila Hope will led this fireside chat conversation with Ted Love, president and CEO of Global Blood Therapeutics and chairman of the Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO).
For more information, please email Kelsey O’Connell.
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