2023 MTRA Annual Conference and Schools
Portland, OR 97204
Event summary
The Money Transmitter Regulators Association (MTRA) hosted its 2023 Annual Conference and Schools, an event specifically targeted toward regulators, money services businesses and related businesses. The conference discussed the latest issues relating to virtual currency companies, payment apps and other money transmitters, along with their impact on banks and other financial partners.
Featured agenda item
Wednesday, September 13, 2023 | 3:00 – 4:00 pm PDT
Fintech Partnerships: Risks and Opportunities in Alternative Compliance Approaches
Cooley special counsel Adam Fleisher moderated this panel, which explored common models for partnerships between technology platforms and financial institutions to deliver financial services to consumer and commercial customers – with a focus on implications for key elements of financial services regulation. The discussion also included Christina Tetreault, deputy commissioner at the California Office of Financial Technology Innovation, and Sarah Edwards, payments regulatory counsel at Cash App.
For more information, please email Rebecca Lanz.
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