47th Annual IP Institute – Intellectual Property Law Section
Event summary
The California Lawyers Association’s 47th Annual IP Institute of the Intellectual Property Law Section will cover a wide range of cutting-edge and compelling topics related to intellectual property law. The event is attended by members of large and small leading California IP law firms, various in-house legal counsels, members of the judiciary and academic professionals practicing in the areas of patent, trademark, copyright, litigation, trade secrets, international law, licensing, entertainment and sports law, technology law, social media and privacy.
Featured agenda item
Friday, November 3, 2023 | 10:15 – 11:15 am PDT
Safe Harbor – Drug Development and Research Tools
Cooley partner Chad Shear will speak on this panel. The “safe harbor” of 35 USC § 271(e)(1) protects companies developing Food and Drug Administration-regulated products from patent infringement under certain circumstances. However, the boundaries of safe harbor can be murky, and there has been confusion about the extent of its application – including for research tools. This presentation will discuss the implications of the safe harbor in the context of drug development.
For more information, please email Megan Senerchia.
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