2023 CFPB Enforcement Roundup
Event summary
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) carried out an ambitious litigation, enforcement, supervisory and rulemaking agenda in 2023, unencumbered – and perhaps propelled by – its own challenged legitimacy. Despite several defeats in the litigation space, the CFPB continued its sprint into new areas of oversight (open banking and payments), while staying the course in more traditional areas, such as junk fees, fair lending, and all things related to unfair, deceptive, or abusive acts or practices. Members of Cooley’s financial services enforcement team highlighted lessons learned in 2023 and made predictions for 2024 for this virtual event. Those predictions involved the 75 new enforcement employees that the CFPB intends to hire.
Topics of discussion included:
- Consent order trends
- Supervisory Highlights themes
- Rulemaking overview
- Predictions and preparations for 2024
- Michelle Rogers – Partner at Cooley
- Joshua Kotin – Partner at Cooley
For more information, please email Rebecca Lanz.
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