In Person

IAB Public Policy and Legal Summit

April 2, 2024
Event details
April 2, 2024
600 14th St. NW
Washington, DC 20005

Event summary

Cooley is proud to sponsor the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) Public Policy and Legal Summit, an essential gathering where leaders from advertising, media, technology and government come together to tackle the most pressing legal, policy and technical challenges facing the industry. The event offered unparalleled insights from top brands, agencies, law firms, corporate counsel and federal officials. Taking place just steps away from the White House, the 2024 summit was filled with enlightening breakout sessions, valuable networking opportunities and engaging discussions. 

Featured agenda item

Tuesday, April 2, 2024 | 10:05 – 10:35 am EDT

Navigating the Privacy Wave: State Privacy Laws, National Hopes and the Advertising Industry

Lei Shen, cyber/data/privacy partner at Cooley, presented alongside Rob Hartwell, partner at Venable, and Aaron Massey, technologist and senior policy analyst for advertising technologies and platforms at the Future of Privacy Forum, during this session moderated by Josh M. Hsu, partner at Jenner & Block. The panelists provided a comprehensive recap as they reviewed the intricacies of state privacy proposals and new privacy laws and explored how these regulations are reshaping the way businesses approach advertising, data practices and consumer engagement across the US. They also dissected the patchwork quilt of state laws – from California’s Consumer Privacy Act to New Hampshire’s recently enacted comprehensive data privacy law – and discussed their strengths and weaknesses. In addition, the panelists examined federal proposals, like the American Data Privacy and Protection Act (ADPPA), analyzing its potential impact and areas for improvement.

For more information, please email Sydney Sachs.

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