2024 CompLaw: Advanced EU, London
London W2 1EE, United Kingdom
Event summary
Cooley is a proud sponsor of the 33rd annual CompLaw: Advanced EU, London – a conference which serves as the definitive review of European competition law. Attendees were able to dissect current policies and shape successful strategies by hearing from regulators, in-house counsel, lawyers, and economists.
Featured agenda item
Wednesday, April 24, 2024 | 10:10 – 11:15 am BST
Regulators’ Roundtable
Cooley partner Caroline Hobson spoke on this panel, which covered such topics as:
- Current enforcement priorities
- International cooperation between national competition authorities (NCAs)
- Is there greater divergence of approaches between the NCAs?
- How are the NCAs developing – and what will they look like in five years’ time?
Wednesday, April 24, 2024 | 4:10 – 5:00 pm BST
Hot Topics in Private Enforcement
Cooley partner Mark Simpson spoke on this panel, which covered topics including: p>
- Update on Trucks and other significant cases
- Stand-alone claims
- The Competition Appeal Tribunal’s approach to umbrella proceedings
- Collective actions and carriage disputes
- Private enforcement and Article 102 cases
- Big Tech and private enforcement under the Digital Markets Act
- Are noncompetition claims being ‘crowbarred’ into competition law?
- Implications of the PACCAR decision on litigation funding
- How are the courts approaching quantum?
For more information, please email Yena Lee.
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