Life Science Washington Institute
2024 Lunch & Learn Series:
Data Protection Nuts & Bolts
Event summary
Cooley is proud to sponsor the Life Science Washington Institute’s Lunch & Learn webinar series, which focused on answering the burning questions researchers and entrepreneurs have as they grow their ideas from concept to commercialization. These events are for anyone interested in learning more about startups and entrepreneurship.
Cooley cyber/data/privacy special counsel Andrew Epstein spoke on the nuts and bolts of data protection at this hybrid event.
This primer explored what early-stage life sciences companies need to know about data protection and provide practical tips to address it. Not simply a compliance exercise, data protection is increasingly a commercial imperative. Implementing and maintaining foundational measures can lead to an ability to successfully leverage one of a life sciences company’s critical assets – its data.
For more information, please email Sydney Sachs.
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