In Person

ChinaBio Partnering Forum 2024

September 10 – 11, 2024
Kerry Hotel Pudong
Event details
September 10 – 11, 2024
Kerry Hotel Pudong
Shanghai, China

Event summary

ChinaBio Partnering Forum is the leading event for the global biopharma community to broaden its reach into the China life sciences market through unmatched cross-border partnerships. The forum featured a distinguished lineup of speakers – including leaders and visionaries from the biotech and pharma industries who shared their insights and experiences on the latest trends and innovations.

Cooley is proud to sponsor this year’s ChinaBio Partnering Forum and host two sessions discussing cross-border deal-making.

For more information, please email Sandra Sun.

Featured agenda items

Tuesday, September 10, 2024 | 4:00 – 5:00 pm

Outlicensing Innovative Products by Chinese Biotech Companies

This panel explored the latest trend of Chinese biotech companies outlicensing ex-China or global rights of their innovative products – via traditional partnering transactions or by establishing newcos or joint ventures.


  • Michael Shen – Counsel at Cooley
  • Liyuan Yang – Vice president of business development at Zai Lab
  • Moderator: Lila Hope – Partner at Cooley

Wednesday, September 11, 2024 | 1:30 – 2:30 pm

Achieving Successful Cross-Border M&A Transactions

Over the last year, there have been a number of precedent-setting, cross-border transactions involving Chinese biotech companies. This panel of industry leaders shared their strategies and best practices to pave the way for increased success for biotech companies.


  • Josh Jin – Executive director at NRL Capital
  • Baiteng Zhao – Co-founder and former chairman and CEO at ProfoundBio
  • Rama Padmanabhan – Partner at Cooley
  • Yiming Liu – Partner at Cooley
  • Moderator: Ruomu Li – Partner at Cooley

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