
Biotech Sisterhood Event

September 18, 2024
J.P. Morgan’s San Francisco office
Event details
September 18, 2024
2:00 – 5:30 pm Pacific Daylight Time
J.P. Morgan’s San Francisco office
560 Mission St.
23rd Floor
San Francisco, CA 94105

Event summary

Given the heightened volatility in the equity markets, J.P. Morgan and Cooley hosted the Biotech Sisterhood event, with several panel discussions covering equity capital markets and M&A activity and outlook, as well as key considerations, preparation and execution of dual-track processes. A networking reception followed for those who attended in person in San Francisco.


2:00 pm: Check in
2:15 – 4:30 pm: Panel discussions (includes Zoom participants)
4:30 – 5:30 pm: Cocktail reception

Featured agenda items

2:50 pm PDT

Biotech Equity Capital Markets Update

Cooley partner Kristin VanderPas joined J.P. Morgan’s Ben Burdett and Josh Bleharski to discuss the current state of the biotech equity capital markets.


3:20 pm PDT

Biopharma M&A Environment Update

Cooley partner Ben Beerle joined J.P. Morgan’s Mike Gaito and Parul Jhunjhunwala to discuss the current state of dealmaking in the biopharma M&A space.


3:50 pm PDT

Dual-Track (IPO/M&A) Processes and a Case Study (Carmot Therapeutics)

Cooley partner Dave Peinsipp moderated a panel discussion about the dual-track process, which highlighted the key differences between acquisitions and initial public offerings (IPOs) and delved into strategic perspectives, managing expectations and information flow with potential acquirers, along with board dynamics.


For more information, please email Erica Koljonen.

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