Securities Enforcement Forum DC 2024
Washington, DC 20036
Event summary
Securities Enforcement Forum DC is a unique, one-day conference that brings together current and former senior Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) officials, securities enforcement and white-collar attorneys, in-house counsel and compliance executives, and other top professionals in the field. The event will be available for attendees to view live online.
The forum showcased a keynote address from SEC Enforcement Director Gurbir Grewal.
The conference’s faculty – including nearly a dozen senior SEC enforcement officials and more than 40 other luminaries in the securities enforcement field – discussed the most pressing and critical topics in securities enforcement, including cryptocurrency, whistleblowers, financial and accounting fraud, the impact of artificial intelligence, advanced litigation and investigation strategies, managing SEC-related criminal matters, financial firms, insider trading, climate, cybersecurity and much more.
6.8 hours of continuing legal education (CLE) credit are available to attendees (approved in Delaware and reciprocal states).
Featured agenda item
4:15 – 5:00 pm
Insider Trading 360 – Enforcement Trends, Key Cases and Prosecutions
Cooley partner Luke Cadigan spoke on this panel.
For more information, please email Crystal Tong.
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