In Person

Consero’s IP Forum for Life Sciences

December 4 – 6, 2024
The Biltmore Miami
Event details
December 4 – 6, 2024
The Biltmore Miami
1200 Anastasia Ave.
Coral Gables, FL 33134

Event summary

Cooley is a proud sponsor of Consero’s IP Forum for Life Sciences. Today’s intellectual property (IP) executives face seemingly limitless opportunities to leverage intangible assets – with a commensurate volume of threats. As a result, they must be as informed, nimble and forward-thinking as any corporate leaders, for the success of their companies and the improvement of life across the globe. The conference covered a variety of IP- and life sciences-related topics.

Featured agenda item

Wednesday, December 4, 2024 | 4:30 – 5:20 pm EST

Clinical Trials and Tribulations: Prosecution and Litigation Implications of Clinical Trial IP and Prior Art

Cooley partners Jon Cousin and Jon Davies participated in this panel discussing the following:

  • What types of patentable subject matter, filing timelines and strategies should companies consider?
  • What are the consequences of protocols as prior art?

For more information, please email Megan Senerchia.

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