
M&A Post-Closing Disputes: Avoiding, Minimizing and Resolving Disputes Over Working Capital Adjustments and Earnouts

December 11, 2024
Event details
December 11, 2024
1:00 – 2:30 pm Pacific Standard Time

Event summary

Cooley joined an engaging CLE presentation, which examined the common causes of M&A post-closing disputes regarding working capital adjustments and earnouts. The panel discussed strategies for mitigating the likelihood of post-closing disputes and considerations and best practices for resolving them. This was a live 90-minute premium CLE video webinar with an interactive Q&A.

The panel – which included Cooley partner Tijana Brien – reviewed these and other top-line issues:

  • What are the common reasons for and allegations involved in M&A post-closing disputes over working capital adjustments and earnouts?
  • How can counsel minimize the likelihood of M&A post-closing disputes?
  • What are the conventional processes for resolving M&A post-closing disputes and the pros and cons of each?

CLE information

Credit: 1.5

For more information, please contact Crystal Tong.

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