In Person

The Competitive Edge: Antitrust Essentials for Technology Companies

January 15, 2025
Event details
January 15, 2025
11:30 am – 3:30 pm Pacific Standard Time
3175 Hanover St.,
Palo Alto, CA 94304

Event summary

Cooley’s antitrust and competition group invites you to its Antitrust Essentials continuing legal education (CLE) series to discuss antitrust considerations for tech companies.

As a leader in the tech industry, you understand the critical importance of balancing antitrust and competition issues while safeguarding your company’s growth, innovation and continued success. This event (also useful for lawyers seeking legal ethics credit hours) will provide you with actionable insights and practical strategies to navigate the continually changing antitrust landscape.

Note: CLE credit is anticipated for this live event in the amount of 1 credit per session (3 credits for all three sessions).

Session #1 – Litigation Landscape: Antitrust Challenges and Opportunities

12:30 – 1:30 pm PST

Delve into the latest antitrust litigation trends and landmark cases that are shaping the tech industry. Learn advanced strategies for defending against antitrust claims and ensuring your business practices withstand legal scrutiny.

Session #2 – M&A Playbook: Navigating Business and
Regulatory Hurdles

1:30 – 2:30 pm PST

Explore the current and expected regulatory landscape for mergers and acquisitions within the tech sector. This session will cover recent enforcement actions, provide in-depth insights and touch on how the incoming administration may impact the merger review process. Gain practical advice on how to structure deals to avoid antitrust pitfalls and secure timely approvals from regulatory bodies.

Session # 3 – Ethics in Antitrust: Reconciling Economic Welfare With Doing Good

2:30 – 3:30 pm PST

We all know that complying with the law, including antitrust laws, is an essential part of being an ethical company. But today, antitrust is focused on economics and the benefits consumers gain from robust competition. Does this focus penalize companies for doing good for society? We’ll discuss the issue and practical ways for companies to navigate this difficult line.


  • Ethan Glass – Global head of antitrust and competition at Cooley
  • Dee Bansal – Antitrust litigation partner at Cooley
  • Beatriz Mejia – Antitrust litigation partner at Cooley
  • Jeremy Morrison – Merger control partner at Cooley
  • Kathy O’Neill – Merger control partner at Cooley


For more information, please email Francesca Bottorff.

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