2025 Utah Tech Week
5th Floor
Salt Lake City, UT 84103
Event summary
Cooley is proud to be a part of Utah Tech Week and will co-host an impactful panel with Diversis Capital, “Private Equity vs. Venture Capital: Choosing the Right Growth Partner.”
When founders envision their company’s future, venture capital and initial public offerings often dominate the conversation. But the reality is that most exits aren’t IPOs, and private equity presents a compelling, often misunderstood alternative.
Join a panel of experienced operators and PE professionals – including Brady Anderson, co-founder of SalesRabbit – a Utah-based tech company that successfully chose the PE route. Together, they’ll break down what it means to position your company for a successful PE acquisition.
Learn how to structure your business for scalability, ensure long-term growth post-exit and navigate the benefits PE can offer – such as retaining equity and the proverbial “second bite of the apple,” having a partner to invest further capital for growth, preserving company culture and unlocking operational support.
Whether you’re just starting to think about your exit strategy or want to explore a path beyond VC, this session will provide actionable insights and a fresh perspective on achieving your goals as a founder.
- Bram Couvreur (moderator) – Partner at Cooley
- Brady Anderson – Co-founder at SalesRabbit
- Joseph Lok – Principal at Diversis Capital
- Mason Meadows – Operating partner at Diversis Capital
- Erik Paustenbaugh – Investment banking at D.A. Davidson
For more information, please email Anya Kielbik.
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