
The L Suite’s Webinar: Navigating Proxy Season

February 25, 2025
Event details
February 25, 2025
1:00 – 2:00 pm Eastern Standard Time

Event summary

Cooley is a proud sponsor of The L Suite’s Webinar: Navigating Proxy Season. 

Prepare for proxy season with confidence. Join Cooley partners Brad Goldberg and Christina Roupas and Vivid Seats’ Austin Arnet and Emily Tabak Epstein, for an engaging, hands-on discussion tailored to help in-house counsel navigate the evolving landscape of shareholder and stakeholder expectations.

This webinar will focus on the essential steps and considerations general counsels need to navigate proxy season efficiently and effectively. From preparing proxy materials to addressing key governance issues, we’ll provide actionable insights to help you stay ahead.

 Topics include:

  • Key steps in planning for proxy season and preparing proxy materials
  • Effective strategies for managing shareholder proposals and maintaining proxy advisor relationships
  • Practical approaches for addressing executive compensation and stakeholder concerns

For more information, please email Erica Koljonen.

This program is eligible for up to 1 hour of continuing legal education (CLE) credit in 50-minute states and 1 hour of CLE credit in 60-minute states.

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