2025 Privacy and Emerging Technology National Institute
Washington, DC 20001-3743
Event summary
Hosted by the American Bar Association (ABA) Science & Technology Law Section (SciTech), the Privacy and Emerging Technology National Institute combines privacy with SciTech’s Spring Meeting (PRISM). And like a prism, this enlightening conference provides you with opportunities to see and understand privacy and emerging technology issues in a different and transformative way.
Featured agenda item
Thursday, March 20, 2025 | 9:45 – 10:45 am EDT
Salt Typhoon and Other Catastrophic Cybersecurity Threats
Cooley associate Mari Dugas is speaking on this panel, which will:
- Delve into Salt Typhoon, the earlier Volt Typhoon, and other catastrophic cybersecurity threats and the legal issues they raise.
- Reveal lessons learned from mandating privileged access to sensitive data and assess whether such access can be limited to law enforcement.
- Discuss proposed updates to the HIPAA Security Rule, aimed at protecting some of the most sensitive data amid a dramatic rise in breaches in the past five years.
- Explore cross-border enforcement, including challenges and methods for cybersecurity investigators and prosecutors.
- Provide practical strategies for limiting the impact of catastrophic cybersecurity threats.
For more information, please email Patrick Johnson.
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