
CooleyREG Talks (EU):
New European Commission – Taking Stock After 100 Days in Office

March 24, 2025

Event summary

Please join Emma Bichet, Athina Gaki, Susanne Sachsman Grooms, Jonas Koponen and Bart Regenhardt from our CooleyREG team for a timely virtual event that will provide insight into critical legislative initiatives introduced by the new European Commission, as well as an update on key pieces of European Union regulation that impact US companies.

Cooley presenters will cover the following topics:

  • Outlook for enforcement of the EU’s Digital Services Act and Digital Markets Act, including in light of US congressional inquiries focusing on the EU’s application of those frameworks.
  • The ‘Omnibus package’ to streamline European sustainability regulations, which will have a significant impact on many US companies.
  • The European Commission’s core objective of aligning competition law enforcement with sustainability as well as increased competitiveness.
  • Status update on several other EU legal frameworks – such as the Artificial Intelligence Act, the Cyber Resilience Act, the Network and Information Security (NIS 2) Directive and the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) – that have an impact on US companies that market services or have customers in the EU.

For more information, please email Elena-Alina Rapotan.

CooleyREG draws on legal talent from across the firm to tackle cutting-edge regulatory concerns.

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