Cooley Advises Aquinox Pharmaceuticals on Initial Public Offering
Seattle, Wash. – March 13, 2014 – Cooley LLP announced today that it advised Aquinox Pharmaceuticals, Inc. on its recent initial public offering. Aquinox Pharmaceuticals is a clinical stage pharmaceutical company discovering and developing novel drug candidates to treat inflammation and cancer. The company now trades on the NASDAQ Global Stock Market under the symbol "AQPX."
The Cooley corporate and securities team advising Aquinox was led by partners Mike Tenta and Gordon Empey and included associates Alan Hambelton, Julia Conway and Chris Warner. Compensation and benefits support was provided by special counsel Laura McDaniels.
In 2013, Cooley's capital markets practice had a record year, advising on 60 public offerings, including 23 IPOs that raised more than $8.4 billion. Year-to-date in 2014, Cooley has advised on 32 completed public offerings, including 15 completed IPOs.
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