Cooley Wins at Legal Week Innovation Awards
London – May 31, 2016 – Cooley won the Legal Week International Law Firm Innovation Award for the UK version of Cooley GO, the firm's multi-award-winning online resource centre for investors and entrepreneurs.
Cooley GO's US and UK versions provide guidance in a variety of areas, including funding and expansion, and help users generate core legal documents for starting and building a business. Since launch, Cooley GO has generated nearly 40,000 incorporation packages, which are the core documents that startups generally need in connection with their initial incorporation. Cooley GO also provides a unique breadth and depth of free legal and business content to assist the tech community. The site is regularly updated with new topics, content and features.
"Cooley GO has proven to be a powerful resource for emerging companies in the UK," said Justin Stock, managing partner in Cooley's London office. "We appreciate this recognition as we continue to champion innovation and growth in the UK and beyond."
The Legal Innovation Awards seek to recognize and reward the individuals who drive the profession forward. The International Law Firm Innovation award aims to uncover innovation in the delivery of legal services across an international law firm's network of offices.
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Cooley has 900 lawyers across 12 offices in the United States, China and Europe.
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