Press Coverage | Cooley's Q2 2016 Venture Financing Trends
"Venture-capital investor skepticism is setting in. VCs, no longer driving up startup valuations at the same feverish pace, signed more term sheets with a jump in down rounds, according to data from law firm Cooley."
"Martin’s Take: Unicorns Face Skepticism as Down Rounds Spike," The Wall Street Journal (Subscription required)
"Recapalypse Now," TechCrunch
"Venture Financing Continues to Slide for Private Companies," Law360
"Power Sheet: Startups Losing Their Valuations," Fortune
"Down Rounds on the Rise in Venture Capital," PE Hub
"Venture Capital's Chill Spreads as Down Rounds Soar," San Francisco Business Times
"Here's the Current State of Venture Capital Funding," Inc.
"Venture Dip has Experts Pondering how Long Slump Will Last," Law360
"Venture Capital Investing Weakens by Several Measures," San Francisco Business Times
"Venture Shows Resilience as Series B Deals Hold Their Own," PE Hub
"Tech 'Unicorn' Exits Exceeded Births in Q2, Report Says," Law360
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