Law360 Names Michael Rhodes Six‑Time Privacy MVP
- Rhodes is one of only two lawyers in the United States to have won six years in a row
San Francisco – November 23, 2016 – Law360 named Michael Rhodes, litigation partner and co-chair of Cooley’s privacy & data protection and internet practice groups, a Privacy MVP for the sixth year in a row. Rhodes is one of only two lawyers in the US to be honored with six-time Law360 MVP status.
Mike’s privacy clients include Google, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and Niantic (Pokémon Go). He also has a thriving IP practice representing technology and internet companies in matters involving patents, copyrights, trade secrets and trademarks, as well as an active class action practice outside of the privacy area.
“I’m honored to be selected for this award, but it is truly a reflection of the incredibly strong team we have in place at Cooley,” Rhodes said. “Working at the intersection of law and innovation is what we excel at and it’s a privilege to partner with our clients as they navigate novel and unsettled legal issues.”
Law360 has recognized Cooley with its Privacy Group of the Year award four times in the past five years. Cooley has 50+ lawyers counseling on privacy, cybersecurity and data protection matters.
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