Andrew Lustig Wins DC Inno 50 on Fire Award
Reston – December 12, 2016 – DC Inno named Cooley partner Andrew Lustig a 50 on Fire winner, recognizing him as the top innovator and dealmaker in the DC investment community for 2016. The 50 on Fire list recognizes a collection of market-leading companies, CEOs, startups and entrepreneurs that are driving the DC Metro region’s innovation economy. Cooley was the only law firm and service provider to make this distinguished list, and proudly represents more than forty percent of the winning companies.
Lustig focuses on venture capital, private equity and M&A transactions and the general corporate representation of high growth tech companies in both the commercial and government marketplaces. His practice spans a wide range of industry sectors including information technology, national security, cybersecurity, data analytics, software and telecommunications.
Cooley’s Mike Lincoln was awarded the 50 on Fire status at the 2015 DC Inno awards.
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