Cooley Partner Named to Inaugural European Commission Expert Group on Liability and New Technologies
London – June 6, 2018 – The European Commission appointed London-based Cooley partner Rod Freeman to its newly-formed expert group on liability and new technologies.
The group is an important outcome from the European Commission’s recent review of the suitability of the European Product Liability Directive to deal with the challenges presented by new technologies, including artificial intelligence, the internet of things, robotics and other automated technologies. Members will help support the commission’s preparation of guidance on how existing Product Liability Directive provisions can be applied to new issues raised by those technologies.
“It is an honour to be appointed to this expert group and to help plot a path forward for dealing with the legal and regulatory challenges raised by new technologies,” Freeman said. “I look forward to working with my European colleagues on this important work over the coming years.”
Last year, Cooley bolstered its product compliance & product liability practice with the addition of Freeman to its thriving London office. Recognized as one of the world’s leading international products lawyers, Freeman has a background in high-stakes product liability litigation and has devoted more than 20 years to international products law. He works with major tech companies to counsel on product launches, compliance issues and product litigation.
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