Arboretum Ventures Closes Fifth Fund at $250 Million
Palo Alto – June 27, 2019 – Cooley advised Arboretum Ventures on the closing of its fifth fund at $250 million, bringing the healthcare venture capital firm’s capital under management to more than $700 million. The Cooley team advising Arboretum included John Clendenin, Elizabeth Reese and Julie Rogers.
“The opportunity set within healthcare remains as strong as ever, given the aging of the baby boomers combined with increasing pressures to address rising healthcare costs through innovation,” said Tim Petersen, a managing partner at Arboretum, in a news release. “We look forward to investing Arboretum V in companies that improve healthcare quality while also removing excess cost from the system.”
Founded in 2002, Arboretum focuses on medical device, diagnostic, healthcare IT and healthcare service companies that can achieve significant milestones and value creation in a capital-efficient manner. Arboretum’s guiding vision is to identify transformative healthcare companies developing improved and less costly solutions that address significant healthcare problems.
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