Cooley Earns an A Grade on 2021 Law Firm Climate Change Scorecard
Palo Alto – August 24, 2021 – Cooley is one of only three Vault 100 firms to earn an A grade on the Law Students for Climate Accountability’s 2021 Law Firm Climate Change Scorecard.
The first-of-its-kind climate scorecard catalogs the climate-related work of the Vault 100’s top ranked firms in the US for the past five years. The scores are based on transactional, litigation and lobbying work each firm is doing – or not doing – on behalf of clients exacerbating climate change or benefitting the fossil fuel industry.
Cooley’s high mark is “a reflection of our incredible client base, including many companies outside of the energy industry, that are incorporating environmental responsibility into their businesses at many levels,” Cooley partner Peter Werner said in a statement to Law360. “We’re thankful that law students see the value in supporting clients that understand this responsibility, and we believe that combating the climate crisis will only become a more central focus of companies everywhere.”
LSCA was founded in 2020 by a group of law students to examine the legal industry’s role in global climate change. Cooley is a member of the Law Firm Sustainability Network, as well as the Legal Sustainability Alliance, both of which are committed to promoting the benefits of environmental sustainability and corporate social responsibility within their member firms and throughout the legal industry.
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