Press Release

Cooley Attorneys Appointed to FDLI 2025 Committees and Task Force

January 23, 2025

Cooley special counsel Son Nguyen and associates Wyatt Kernell and Auguste Humphries were appointed to various committees and a task force for the Food and Drug Law Institute (FDLI).`

Nguyen will serve as co-chair of the Digital Health Planning Committee and as a member of the Medical Products Committee. He will assist FDLI in planning and implementing the Digital Health Conference and in developing programming for the medical products space (drugs, devices and biologics). His responsibilities include identifying key issues and hot topics, recommending and recruiting speakers (including keynotes), and promoting the conference to colleagues.

Kernell will serve on the Advertising and Promotion Conference Planning Committee, where he will assist in planning the annual conference. His responsibilities include identifying key issues and hot topics, evaluating conference submissions, recommending and recruiting speakers (including keynotes), and promoting the program to colleagues.

Finally, as part of FDLI’s 2025 Cosmetics Task Force, Humphries will support FDLI staff in developing programming in the industry, including cosmetics-specific events throughout the year and cosmetics-focused content for events covering broader product areas. His responsibilities include identifying key issues and hot topics, developing conference agendas, recommending and recruiting speakers, and promoting programs to colleagues.

See the full list of FDLI 2025 task force and committee members

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