
Episode 6

News Brief
May 7, 2013

By Cydney Posner

And since we're doing videos, you might want to take a look a this past Sunday's Mad Men episode, where the ad firm Sterling Cooper is engaged in discussions for its IPO with a banker.

This piece from the NYT's DealBook analyzes the episode, discussing the more vintage characteristics, such as the investment banker "furiously punching an adding machine" and making the pitch after having "conducted only 20 minutes of analysis." (I guess you wouldn't have too many folks tuning in to watch IPO due diligence these days.) There are even a few moments of panic when a couple of major customers part ways with the firm in the middle of IPO planning. Apparently, there was a big appetite in the booming ‘60s for ad agencies, "playing off the allure of Madison Avenue and its mad admen."

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