New York Requires Employers to Provide Electronic Versions of Mandatory Workplace Postings
On December 16, 2022, New York Gov. Kathy Hochul signed into law an amendment to New York Labor Law Section 201 that requires employers to make mandatory workplace postings available electronically.
Before the amendment, the law required that certain legal notices be posted conspicuously in the workplace. Now, employers must also make digital versions of the physical notices available, either on the employer’s website or via email.
Employers should take the following steps to comply with the amended law:
- Ensure that all mandatory workplace posters have been displayed in a conspicuous place on each floor of their New York workplaces, if any.
- Upload digital versions of the posters to the employer’s intranet – or, if the employer does not have an internal website, disseminate via email.
- Notify employees that the posters are available electronically (e.g., via an email with a link to the employer’s intranet page).
- Update the company handbook and other internal resources with information regarding the online location of the posters.
Federal posting requirements can be found on the US Department of Labor website. New York-specific posting requirements are available on the New York State Department of Labor website. Note that certain industries, such as healthcare and hospitality, require additional industry-specific postings.
If you have questions about the amended law, please contact the Cooley employment team.
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