
US AI Regulation Remains a Moving Target, but Common Themes Emerge

December 20, 2023

The artificial intelligence regulatory landscape in the US is constantly evolving, and – with three dozen hearings, 50+ new bills and nine insight forums in the Senate alone – it is showing no signs of slowing down. As part of our AI Shorts collection, Cooley special counsel Vince Sampson walks through the flurry of recent legislative updates and what companies with operations or customers in the US can do today to prepare themselves for future AI regulation.

Cooley’s AI Shorts are quick, easy-to-digest episodes that navigate the intricate relationship between AI and the law – ranging from data privacy to regulatory to employment issues and more.

For a deeper dive on artificial intelligence and law across a variety of practices, register for our series of upcoming AI Talks webinars.

AI Talks: AI + Regulatory

Wednesday, January 10, 2024
9:30 – 10:30 am PST // 12:30 – 1:30 pm EST // 5:30 – 6:30 pm GMT

This session will cover ways to navigate the US, European Union and UK regulatory and legislative risks of AI, including strategies for engaging with policymaking bodies and analyzing the business impacts of legislation and regulations on innovation. Going beyond the text of new laws and rules, this session will provide insights into the complex procedures of government agencies – and the people behind them – from US and international perspectives. Other topics of discussion include the applicability of current and proposed laws and regulations on AI platforms relating to unfair and deceptive practices, creation and monitoring for deepfakes, libel and explicit content concerns, and compliance with chatbot disclosures.

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