WEBINAR Staying Ready: Preparing For Intellectual Property Challenges As Your Business Thrives
Event summary
12:00 – 1:00 pm PT
2:00 – 3:00 pm CT
3:00 – 4:00 pm ET
Cooley lawyers will discuss strategies and issues companies should consider as their business grows to prepare for asserting or defending against intellectual property challenges. This program will provide an introduction to the basics of intellectual property litigation, with a focus on patent and trade secret litigation and will cover several considerations, including:
- Office and business expansion and the interplay of these decisions with the venue analysis undertaken by district courts
- Key employee policies
- The licensing of intellectual property and the potential impact on a damages analysis during litigation
- Development of a patent portfolio
- The business implications of litigation
Our panel of experienced intellectual property litigators will provide thoughtful insight into these and other intellectual property litigation issues and considerations for growing businesses.
For more information, please email Jess Karas.
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